Christopher rueckel

Born and raised in Southern California and the son of two surfer parents, I was fortunate enough to be immersed in a culture of art, passion and forward thinking individuals. From the surf trips up the California coastline to the missionary trips down to Mexico to help those less fortunate, I did not realize at the time but this was laying the foundation for my love of art, culture and design.

After working in the beverage and hospitality industry for over a decade and bartending at places such as Harrahs Casino and managing at La Cereza Winery in the beautiful Temecula Valley Wine Country, I have decided to give myself up completely to my true passion of art and design. After graduating from The Art Institute of San Diego and currently working as an Art Director / Freelance Artist in San Diego California, I have taken my years of real world experience as well as my knowledge of industry standard software to pursue my design career to the highest level.

I am always looking to work with individuals or teams that are passionate, dedicated, and highly motivated to push the limits of design. If you have any questions for me, just want to talk shop, or if I can be of service to you in any way, please feel free to contact me anytime.